SwissWinner_Über uns

About us

Innovation meets Swiss precision

The origin of the Swiss Winner putter is in 2010 at the company Swiss Tools, a world- selling manufacturer of modular tooling systems, located near Lake Constance in the Swiss canton of Thurgau.

Founder an technical head of the company is Hans Ruedi Bär. Each hole in steel, aluminium, cast iron or other materials nees a processing with a modular tool system. This is especially important if precision and the corresponding quality is required, as Hans Ruedi Bär knows.

You have to know the history in order to classify Bär´s entry into the putter world correctly. His clients must be able to respond flexibly to the changing daily tasks and without compromising on the highest quality. From this seemingly simple requirement Hans Ruedi Bär has developed a tool system that works like a construction kit: individual tool components are set togehter as required to quickly get the perfect and complete tool at hand. This opens the way to Bär´s putter development. Modulary designed quickly adaptable to the players requirement and the enviroment, versatile in color design, Bär has developed a putter which got the name Swiss Winner. Therby not only a unique putter but also a unique concept was born. The concept and the idea is, to enable the player to find the best individual setup by allowing a wide variety of possible setting. Finally it´s like working with tools: The only thing you have to do yourself is to play. Countless putter competitors have gone for testing purposes through Bär´s hand, countless expert descissions followed, first idea scektches drawn, members of his engineering department to put this before the prototype could be manufactured on the most modern 5 – axis machines.

This development was followed by a lenghtly certification process with the R & A in
St. Andrews / Scotland: The inventor meets the guardians of the golf rules. But this hurdle has been taken and finally the sale could start. In the summer omf 2013, the company Swiss Tools separated from Swiss Winner and the putter business because of strategic considerations. The brand was taken over by Florian Ziegler an will be continued under the independent Swiss Winner Limited in the Swiss city of Tägerwilen.

Previously sold exclusively in Switzerland, the Swiss Winner putter will now be known beyond the national borders of Switzerland. The aim is to open up new international markets and bring amateurs and professionals in contact with the unique concept of Swiss Winner.